Sunday, November 18, 2007

Daft Punk's Electroma

Midnight, cinéma du Panthéon, in Paris: only one screening a week for the movie of the electonic superstar duet Daft Punk.
I'm gathering some friends to go. The opinions are very mixed. Later, on allociné, I can read what other people thought too. As usual, I am disappointed to see that half of the comments give 4 stars out of 4 - very enthusiastic biased fans - or 0 - for viewers who refuse to admit that they just didn't get this movie and try to qualify it with the worst adjectives ever.

As far as I'm concerned, I would say this experimental Daft Punk movie might not be the best work of art, it however conveys very interesting topics.
Granted, a movie by Daft Punk is very likely to gather some clubbing MTV addicted crowds that are used to fast paced beats, flashes and sounds who are only expecting some action packed with music video clip...
This artistic project is, on the one hand, not touching his usual audience: "too long" "too slow" "nothing happens" "ridiculous" "give me my money back!"...
On the other hand, unfortunately, the film fails at some point and is too widely inspired by Gus Van Sant's "Gerry" or Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey"

Some scenes, however, deliver a very strong and beautiful image - see the videos posted here, Todd Rundgren's "International Feel" in the opening sequence and Jackson C. Frank's "I Want To Be Alone". If the viewer leaves his inhibitions and allows the movie to takes hold on this peculiar journey, the perfect blend of this suffocating Californian road-trip and perfectly hand-picked music can be subtly seducing. Leave your chronological, logical, esthetical and narratative landmarkes behind and embark on this movie, you might enjoy some little pieces of perfection hidden along your way.

Bonus: free mp3 download {Linda Perhac - If You Were My Man (Demo)}

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